Thursday, April 2, 2009

Little man, meet Big Big World

It's official. Leo put on his big boy pants (well, actually I put them on him...) and started daycare yesterday. We lovingly refer to the Jewish Community Center as "camp" in our family. So, I am at the house this afternoon trying to do some much needed yard work while Leo, Cal and Spence are at camp. I keep feeling like I need to go check on someone. Anyone... 

Nope, I am here by myself. I haven't been alone in the house in 7 months.

And Leo was a rock star. He already has the ladies questioning if he is going to be stealing the designation of "happiest baby" in the room. He slept great in his camp crib (a feat we have yet to master at the house), and made me (despite having done this 3 times before) feel much more at ease with the whole process. It's easier the 4th time around, but that doesn't make it easy.

So, with that, I feel like the little baby faze is, yet again, behind me. It really does go so so fast.

1 comment:

Amy said...

I am glad it get a bit easier. Ripley goes to "play with her friends" and smiles so big when she sees her main caregivers. Almost too big...