Friday, April 3, 2009

The last 20 hours

10pm - Trying to get house in order for a 8:30am showing.

2am - "Mommy... I just barfed..." says Calvin. New comforter cover, new security blanket stand-in, new stain in the For Sale carpet

5:15am - 5:15am?? But my alarm was set for 4:30?? And why does my watch say 5:15am but my alarm clock say 3:15? I am so confused. *&@#$%##

5:20am - Power nurse

5:40am - In the car, grimy. Just a touch of bed head for the patients' enjoyment.

6:00am - 8 people waiting to be seen in the full ER. I'm yer gal...

7:30am - Call to assure Omar is awake and clearing out of the house with 4 kids and a dog. Call cut short by Omar saying "Oh no, Calvin just barfed milk everywhere..." We hang up.

1:30pm - Call from JCC - Leo has been in daycare 3 days... and has a temp of 102. That was quick...

2pm - Leave work, go get Leo, (leave Spencer there since he is still napping) come home to relieve Omar from Cal duty so he can return to brewery.

4pm - Call from JCC - Spencer feels bad. No fever, but looks ill

4:30 - Spencer barfs in the car on the way home.

Now, at 7:30 - trying to get kids into bed (solo... Omar is leading a brewery tour), and feeling like I will be thrilled if only I can make it to 9pm. Great news? Omar leaves town tomorrow...

1 comment:

Jules said...

You are a powerhouse, woman. Even just dealing with all that barf....