Monday, April 6, 2009

I will survive....

Ah, to have made it through to the other side! We have had no vomit for 24 hours, no diarrhea for about the same, and we are all back home...

As with many things in this life, you gotta laugh so you don't cry. This weekend, as I drove 3 of 4 sick children in a large circle around town so some random person could come look at our house that I just speed cleaned, the following heartbreaking, but simultaneously hilarious conversation took place.

(the scene is set in a smelly minivan, one child is instantly asleep upon moving, head lolling to the side like a rag doll, another is staring into space with a glassy stare, having just horked up his Tylenol onto his pants, another is cooing mostly peacefully after ibuprofen, and the healthy eldest one is jabbering fairly nonstop)

Me: Well Max, it looks like you are the only one left standing
Max: Yuuup!
Spencer: Mommy? (sniffle, sniffle, voice getting wavey) Why can't I stand?
Me: (giggling) Oh Spence, that doesn't mean you can't stand... it just means Max isn't sick. It's a turn of phrase.
Max: Mo-om (said like a valley girl), he doesn't know what "phrase" even means...
Me: Well this is how he learns. 
(10 minutes pass, Starbucks has earned more of my money)
Spencer: (heave sob from the back of the car) Mommmmmm! Why won't you let me stand too??? (tears flowing down the face). Why can only Max stand????

Ah.... where do you go from there...?

1 comment:

Amy said...

I am going to continue to cherish these non-verbal months, but am so looking forward to the zaniness that seems to ensure one the little ones start chatting. Hope everyone is feeling better.