Tuesday, July 22, 2008

The big big world

This morning, Max and I were a little early for his drop-off at Camp Olami. I could either walk him inside to the pre-camp care, or wait outside for everyone to come to us. Max requested we hang in the car and wait. We happened to pick a few new library books from the JCC library when we dropped off Cal and Spence at daycare immediately before this.

One of the books was about bees. It was all about nectar, honey, beehives, beekeepers, and the queen... you know, all that stuff you would assume a book about bees would cover. But it struck me, as we read each page with Max being slightly amazed by each revelation, HE DOESN'T KNOW ANY OF THIS STUFF. And why should he. He's never been taught anything about it.

He thought it was really incredible, and it got me to thinking... how much other stuff - stuff that at my age is just assumed as common knowledge - does he not know? 50%? 80%? More? Less? And what makes me think I know the 100%?? Lord knows that isn't true. I have come to realize he is officially in sponge mode.... and now it is my task to provide copious info for his little mind to soak up. Kindergarten, here he comes! I gotta get to the library....

1 comment:

yobruno said...

wait, bees make honey??