Tuesday, July 8, 2008

The latest personalities

One of the motivations of keeping a blog is purely selfish... I am actually creating a record of things that I would otherwise forget. Keeping track of all the little things the kids are doing along the way helps me feel like I'm not going to let it all disappear into a blur. So, today I want to just record a little snippit of "who they are today" for my kids.

Max - At 5 "and three quarters" he will be quick to tell you (Hey Max, do you know what a quarter is? Yes mom, it's a piece of money), Max is a very tolerant, kind kid. He wants to help his brothers out when he can, he is eager to share things with them that excite him, and he has reached the age of empathy. He couldn't finish a conversation the other day because we mentioned that the dog needed water. He had to take care of that before we could continue. He is a great helper, and really only gets in trouble when one of the little guys really get under his skin and he just can't fight the urge to throw something their general direction or shove them out of his face... kinda tough to come down on him for it sometimes... I was a little sister after all - we are excellent at annoying our big brothers just for fun.

Spencer - I was hoping turning three would magically take those terrible two's away, and though it is improving, I am still hoping for some serious gains before this 4th kiddo arrives! Spencer is the most loving kid... his hugs are frequent and 5-star. The trouble is frequently TOO MUCH love. He will throw himself into me (usually my head and neck) with such enthusiasm that I am near smothering. Then it appears he is trying to burrow into my body. He shares his blanket with me by rubbing it into my nose - very kind, since that is what HE loves to do with it.... a bit annoying at 36 years of age. He is rarely on time out, because he doesn't break rules so much as melt down in true tears by the prospect of them. I've never seen so many heartfelt tears from a kid... he is truly devastated by so many things in this cruel, cruel world (i.e. waiting for dinner to cook, putting on one's pants when asked, having to take turns in the prized grey car seat, losing a foot race with a boy 3 years older than you).

Calvin - Ah, a bit of the devil is in this one. So very good so much of the time, but then you see the glint in his eye, and you know you are up against your match. Once his feet are in the sand, it's 'go time.' And it is over the dumbest stuff... The most reliable time for trouble is when it's time to get dressed in the morning. I throw out that pesky Stalin-esque dictum "ok, guys, time to get dressed," and Cal will turn his head to the side, chin in the air, eyes closed, slight smile and then start to walk away saying "No, no, no." We start with kind words of encouragement, then threats, then some time to think about the request as we deal with Spencer (who is saturated with tears because one hole of his underwear is caught between the big toe and the 2nd toe), then ask again. Usually this ends in a wrestling match and screaming, or a time out and screaming (depends on which parent... I'll let you guess who does what). Repeat this ~23 times a day. Then on the 24th request for something, he'll look up and say "Sure!" and run off to do it.

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