Tuesday, July 29, 2008

It official...

...I am tired. Yes, it could have something to do with working till 3am last night and mentally preparing for working overnight tonight. But, let's be honest, I've worked that schedule many many times before. This pregnancy thing is officially getting to me.

At 34 weeks (and one day, but who's counting), and with the temp outside hitting 93 degrees by my car thermometer, I am tuckered. Everyone always talks about how pregnancy in July and August is 'hot.' I can't say I really feel that hot. I just feel like someone drained my gas tank. If I sit at the park with the kids, the most challenging part of the trip is slogging my big bellied self back up our sloped driveway. Only the great sloth could achieve it more slowly.

After spending today away from they kids (sleeping much of it), I have now plopped them down in front of a movie. There is some mom guilt involved here, but I just don't have it in me to do anything else.

Of course, they have all started rolling on top of each other, insisting the other is bothering them (while firmly, intentionally, irritating the other), Spencer has just lost his blanket until he can control his kicking, and is now screaming in a heap on the floor. Meanwhile, Calvin is trying to sit on Max's head... I can't imagine why I am tired...

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