Sunday, January 31, 2010


I always knew that Dulsi got some crumbs here and there. I knew she LOVED planting herself at the bottom of the high-chair whenever a little person was occupying it. I knew that she also could be found at every meal lounging between the chair legs of the kids seats.

But my LORD I never knew the bounty of food that she scored.

Last night, you could have fed a small nation on the rations that were on the floor after dinner. Big pieces, little pieces, dry pieces and moist pieces. Have you ever tried to sweep up little pieces of shaved turkey. Or how about a glop of mashed pototoes? This is the get-down-on-your-hands-and-knees-with-a-wet-rag kind of mess.

I'm supposed to do that 3 times a day??

I had been thinking "A puppy is WAY to much work..." But seriously, I think I would spend less time house training a dog than I am currently spending cleaning the floor. Of course, that also means I consider a floor covered with a thin veneer of dog slobber "clean." Oh well...

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