Monday, March 22, 2010

One Dollar

We have the best cleaning crew around. This place looks utterly spotless every time they come around, and you would never believe 4 kids lived here.

They do this by hiding things.

Missing a big pile of junk? Look in the china cabinet. Legos missing? Well, they are under the stereo, of course.

The lesson I have learned is this: if you want to know where something is, you had best put it away BEFORE they clean.

Unfortunately, I forgot this rule when it came to Leo's blanket this morning. Bed time rolled around tonight, and that thing was no where to be found.

So, Omar and I puttered around looking for it for ~15 minutes to no avail. Finally, Omar announced to the kids "I will give ONE DOLLAR to the kid that finds Leo's blankie!" Max gasps - "A WHOLE dollar???" Calvin starts saying "I am going to get that BIG dollar...." And the search is on.

Now, of course, you know who ends up finding the silly thing. That would be me. In the bottom of one of the laundry baskets. So, I toss it in a fairly findable place, and Spencer "finds" it. Well, then Max starts in with "but I SAW it first..." And in the distance we hear the wailing cries of Calvin.

".... I ..... NEVER.... get.... the.... dollar!!! (heave sob)."

Mind you, this is the first time this offer has been made, ever.

Last thing Cal says as I tuck him in 1 hour later: "Mom, I never get the money."

It is so hard to be cheated out of such cold, hard cash.

1 comment:

yobruno said...

wow! high stakes there. when we were in RI last i told kate that grandpa would give her a penny for each crayon/straw/item of food she picked up from under our table when we were about to leave a restaurant. it worked like a charm, and greatly reduced our embarrassment about leaving places totally trashed.