Saturday, October 17, 2009

Finally happened

The first of the Ansari 4 has hit the ER. Not to visit mom, but as a patient.

After big brother assisted Calvin out of the top bunk with a swift kick in the back, Cal landed flat on his head. He slabbed on the couch in a semi-listless state for ~1 hour after that. Then, when he attempted to get up to go with dad to pick pumpkins, he instead puked his cookies. And that was when we headed to the ER.

One of our newer ER staff was the lucky lady that got to pick up one of her senior staff's kids. She did all the things she was supposed to do, but then turned to me and said "So, do you want a CT?" That's the only reason I was there.

He did great in the scanner, no more puking, and the scan was normal - no blood in the noodle.

Good times, good times. I'm not looking forward to doing this again any time soon....


Jules said...

Yikes! I guess when you're an ER doc, you don't really want to participate in "Bring Your Kid to Work Day." Glad to hear he's okay!

Amy said...

I do wonder what percent of parents make an ER visit at some point? I'd guess pretty high? And you made it so very long - 7 years?