Friday, September 11, 2009

Bacon face

I posted months ago about how eagerly I was anticipating the arrival of my friends Gary and Mark (with the bonus of Mark's hilarious wife Kristen) for the Labor Day weekend. We all hoofed it up to the cabin with the 6 kids, cooked, drank, played, swam and laughed. It was a lovely, fabulous long weekend that makes you just bask in the glory of old friendships that are still holding like super-glue despite years and distance. (Which is a better place for super-glue than on the seat of a Walmart toilet, as one of my patients from earlier to day could attest... but I digress)

The moments of hilarity are too numerous to recount, but there are a few that stick out. Like when Spencer finished his breakfast with most of it on his face instead of in his stomach. This, itself, isn't funny, so much as just daily habit. I was out of the room, so Mark (or was it Gary...?) properly instructed the little menace to "please wipe off your face." Having become a child who will actually listen to instructions, he happily walked over to the kitchen counter, grabbed a paper towel, rubbed it all over his face, then tromped outside to his next adventure. It was only after he was long gone that we realized the paper towel he had used to shine his face was the bacon grease paper towel. (And then he was eaten by bears...)

My favorite moment was the building of the bonfire. Gary began. Then Mark assisted. Then the children supervised around the periphery of the fire pit wondering what the hold up was all about. There was very little in the way of fuel/kindling, but S'mores had been promised, so there would be fire. Oh, Oh yes. There would be fire... But not in any rapid manner. I kept peaking out the kitchen window, wondering just how much time could pass before I would hear cursing from the blessedly cold and not-burning fire pit. Spencer came in to relay the request for newspaper... of which we had none. Then Kristen came in, barely able to hold it together to report that Max had capped the adult frustration by asking earnestly "Uncle Gary... Uncle Mark... Have you ever DONE this before?"

Thank god the kid is only 6 years old. A bit older and he might have lost his life. I, on the other hand, couldn't stop laughing.

So, here's to amazing friends and a weekend to remember! We love you guys, and may we be together again soon.

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