Wednesday, January 21, 2009


You know, it is a lot of work making a house that looks 'pretty good' look 'really good.' 

So far we have painted at least a portion of every ceiling and wall, many of them in their entirety. We have half filled a storage room the size of a garage stall with stacks upon stacks of stuff we can live without until May 1st. We have given away furniture, replacing it with new items that will look good for the showing (but probably won't look good in the new house...). I have bought vases and art pieces that will hopefully survive the onslaught of 3 crazy boys who are bursting out of the seams of these 4 walls in the dead of winter....

The check list of things we have accomplished is massive, but still more remains. House hits the market Feb 1, kicking off with an open house. All tolled, we are doing well and are on schedule... but man am I tired. 

The great news is that the new house is stuck tragically in the 1980's, so I still have endless redecorating in my future. I think we will leave it alone for the immediate future and have a big 80's party instead....

1 comment:

Julie Coleman, Freelance Editor said...

Tomkin and I have been watching the PBS shows "Colonial House," "1900 House," "1940s House," etc. He suggested that we do "1980s House" at your new place! Big cell phones, no e-mail, "Thriller" in the background.... Could be totally awesome!