Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Sex Ed, ages 4-9

This post is not for the faint of heart. Husband, you have been warned.

We have all learned some new things today. Leo asked the good ol' Where Do Babies Come From question this evening after school. Since I was alone with the kids, we dove right into it.

Now, I have never been squeamish about this discussion. As Max says "That's because you are a doctor." Maybe. But I am happy to talk about the nitty-gritty any time they have questions. Today, I have learned that even with this history, we could have had a very fun True/False quiz based on their questions/comments.

1) Spencer: "All your half-babies (eggs) were already in your body when you were in grandma."

True. Not sure where he picked this up, but it is absolutely correct. We talked about how they get to make their half-babies later.

2) Calvin: "That's called sperm"

True. Well done

3) Mom: "Do you know how the half-babies end up together so they can start to grow a baby?" Leo: "You put the penis in the 'gina."

True. Soon we will work on getting the front half of that word.

4) Spencer: "Yeah. That's when the daddy pees in the mommy."

False. Very very false. Discussion of the difference ensued.

5) When Leo asked about how the penis gets in there, we talked about erections. An unnamed 7 year old stated: "Oh yeah, we get those ALL THE TIME. Like every time I am nervous."

True, I guess. I really wouldn't know.

6) Leo: "And on a pig, the penis is the butt."

Uhm.... no. No. The penis is not the butt. It is never the butt. He insisted I was wrong, but I really know I am right  on this one. I am, after all, a doctor.

You will noticed there isn't a single statement from the 9 year old. He sat quietly doing his homework. After all was said, he piped up "Guys, you learn a lot more about this is third grade..." Then he put his head back down into his math.


csheldon said...

I thought Pam was going to die when she read this, she was laughing so hard.....

Julie Coleman, Freelance Editor said...

I love this conversation, and I especially love the way you wrote it out here. If I'd been drinking something when I read this, I would have spit it out on my computer!