School Nurse: "Hi Rebecca. Max just came into the office and said a bug fell off his head."
Me: ".... uh...."
School Nurse: "So I did take a look and he has lice."
Me: "Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaggh!!!! (Shutter, spit out my coffee, convulse) No no no no no no no......"
So, after vomiting a little in my mouth, I picked him up from school, learned the ins and outs of shampooing and nit picking, and had the pleasure of calling all of my family AND the friend who had him over for a sleepover last week. That, by the way, is a really fun phone call. Did I mention this kid has the longest hair of any of Max's friends? Of course he does. And, of course, it was just Thanksgiving - that annual time of gathering with family and friends to share infestations.
Then Cal and Spence came home from school. "Please dear lord, let them be in the clear... please please please."
No such luck.
This is what my bathroom floor looked like 20 minutes later.
Crew cuts are the new black, don't ya know? And I still have to pick through the little bit of hair that is left looking for EGGS of lice. So, so, so, so gross.
Omar's silver lining to this? He finally got to shave his head again despite my previous protestations, and he found something that even I think is disgusting.
aren't you glad you had your annual Christmas card photo taken already?
on the other hand, your five men will probably never have this exact same look..... we hope....
Almost met you in the ER on Thanksgiving but the triage nurse sent Hope to Urgent Care. Blister on the eardrum. Getting antibiotics from the ER vending machine was interesting. Back at the house, my go-to nurse neighbor had to ask her son how to mix it. All the rest of us had had too much Southern Comfort by that time.
Anyway... We are due for the hair bugs. We've been so lucky for too long!
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