Thursday, October 28, 2010

One lego

We are at an age when having MORE children in the house actually makes things easier. The crew that 5 minutes prior was so bored is now filled with invention, imagination and joy once the friends arrive. They happily skitter upstairs with sounds of great happiness filling the previously whine-filled air. So there was great hope for the evening last night when our neighbors with 3 kids came over for dinner.

All was going well, the kids were upstairs playing with toys that had previously been collecting dust. Objects of disdain were now ripe with new-found interest. Legos became fantastic again for one shining moment. We had at least 21 minutes of relative peace.

Then came "the blaster."

Now let me be clear. We have one kerchillion legos. All boys can build for hours (in theory) without trouble. That is, unless two of my sons want the same piece. The same piece in a pile of endless possibilities, shapes forms and sizes.

The blaster was needed by all. Compromise was not a possibility. Tears were shed. Body tone was lost. Time outs were had. Parents teeth were gnashed. Adult fists were raised to the heavens.

Just another night in paradise.

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