Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Night Shift

Ah, nothing like blogging at 2:40am.... I suppose the fact that I haven't blogged at any time when the sun is visible in the last couple weeks should tell me something about this life of mine.

As I sat at a restaurant having breakfast with my eldest the other day (late start for school), I realized that each of my children could be summed up by how they would sit in the booth with me at a restaurant. Let me explain.

Max, as he always does, sits next to me. He would rather be side-by-side, in position to allow me to put an arm around him, or allow him to lean over at any time to put his little noggin on my shoulder. And if it's a really good day, he might even whisper "mom, you are the best." This position also allows the occasional whisper or inside joke.

Calvin, on the other hand, will always sit across from me. He has no time for this lovey-dovey stuff and would want to be able to look me in the eye to have a detailed discussion about whatever he is currently fascinated by. That, or he would need the table space to work on something.

Spence wouldn't be sitting at all. He has trouble keeping his keister in contact with any chair surface, whether that means he is on his knees or on his feet. He is the one flitting all around the table.

And Leo, of course, is in the high chair. Taking in all of the madness at this table I have set for you, trying to make everyone giggle as much as he can. That is, when he isn't throwing food on the ground and giggling.

And Omar is the one asking for the check!

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