Thursday, February 2, 2012


Oh. My. God.

My house is so loud.

It is brain-splitting, hackle-raising, rage-inducing loud. This morning, there was nothing but shouting around the breakfast table, despite O and I telling them repeatedly to stop. And, of course, it's only a shout festival because it is also an interruption festival. You wouldn't need to shout if you weren't talking over someone (or sometwo or somethree).

I like to think I generally have some control and/or influence over these small monkeys, but sweet lord! Help! Anyone! How do I turn the volume down on 4 boys 9 and under???

I'm going to need a rubber room....

1 comment:

Amy said...

Our one wee girl seems loud (two more to join her when they figure out the language thing), but by comparison to 4 boys, I can only imagine.

A few tricks from the classroom (even though it's been years since I was there) with no promise of success since the reality is that it is astounding they ever do anything we want them to do.

Music - play it softly so they have a more concrete idea of what you mean by quiet/inside voices. Challenge them not talk louder than the music. Let them take turns choosing what they want to listen to?

Designate an item that allows the person holding it to be the talker to minimize talking over one another.

Challenge them to talk more quietly than you. Make a chart - Parents/Kids and every time they are louder than you are, give yourself a point. When they are quieter than you, give them a point. Plenty of variations, but make them work together to "beat" you.

If all else fails, invest in earplugs?