The addition of many toys for many boys in 7 days was enough to finally kick my clutter-meter over the tipping point. Yesterday was the day I pulled every toy and book out of every drawer, nook, cranny, toybox or shelf and threw it all on the floor. I gathered from high and low to organize and decimate the current toy situation and make way for the newbies.
Here is what it looked like when I began

And here is 4 hours later...

Of course, one cannot do this without letting their inner Rainman take over completely. As I was using my label maker (oh, that's right) to put the finishing touches on each drawer, catastrophe struck. The labeler ran out of paper.
Now, for those of you who have never visited this dark side of OCD, let me tell you, this was enough to almost make me weep. I didn't bring organization to this point with the intention of leaving it half labeled. Oh, Oh no. So I drove to Target with 29 minutes 'till bus time, grabbed that paper and finished it up.
I can now stash away my A-type inner core yet again. Bring it, Santa!
Ohhhh...holy buckets, nice job!
Next time you run out of tape, call me ;)
Wow--you are amazing! And the room looks incredible. I totally get that whole OCD thing--and I love my label maker, too!
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