Wednesday, September 12, 2012

The inventor

Spencer has turned over a new leaf. Ironically, the boy who had such challenges with focus is now my uber-focused inventor dude.

At the cabin a month ago, he HAD to make a can-string telephone. Nevermind we had no empty cans. Or the right string. And he had no idea how to put a hole in the one can we did manage to make available. The boys was unyielding in his need to make this thing. He also make himself a full set of armor (with shield) from a couple paper bags and some boxes.

This weekend, he found 4 old training wheels while dad was cleaning out the garage. By the end of the day, we had a new wagon fashioned out of these 4 wheels, a filing box and 34523 lbs of tape. He then removed the wheels from the old going-in-the-trash car bed frame, and attached those with string ala "cans behind your Just Married" car. He also took a remote control from a long defunct toy and was sure he could take it apart and somehow make it the remote for this beautiful new creation.

Last night it was a robot arm. I don't know all the details, because grandma and grandpa were on duty with the kiddos, but it apparently took the evening's full time and attention.

I can't tell you how wonderful it is to see this kiddo take to something with focus and gusto. It makes my chest swell a little bit to shush those inner worries and watch the new successes. That's all a mom really wants, right?

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