Thursday, September 3, 2009

One Mortgage

In an effort to not curse the deal that has been looming on our house for the past 4 weeks, I have posted nothing. However, despite all the possible things that could have gone wrong, we have SOLD OUR HOUSE!!!

Sweet, merciful lord. It is over. It was like slowly peeling off my own fingernails, and the price is enough to make a grown woman weep, BUT it is over. No more mowing the weeds/dirt/lawn. No more dusting or airing out the stale "No one really lives here" smell. No more "we didn't like the floorplan, but were sure to leave every light on even though it's clear no one lives here" feedback. And best of all, no more fear that I was actually going to have to keep the place plowed for winter showings. We can move on.

And who knew our "empty" house still had so much crap in it. We decluttered in January, 1/3 moved in May, took over another 1/3 in June when it was clear this could drag on for months, and now in September have finished it off. Our garage looks like a family of 12 is moving in. And that final load of stuff is all the stuff you clearly don't really even need, given we have lived prefectly happily without ANY of it since May. Anyone want a mosquito repelling machine? You know, the ones that were all the rage 4 years ago, except for the one drawback that they don't actually work despite your coworker's cousin husband swearing by them? Or how about a broken cabinet? Anyone? Anyone?

I am now going to go to Target, with a keychain that is 2 keys lighter, to by stuff for my one and only house. Ah, that feels nice...


Julie Coleman, Freelance Editor said...

Hooray! Congratulations!!! What a huge relief. Having to plow there over the winter would have s-u-c-k-e-d.

Unknown said...

Hip hip hooray. I am so happy for you guys. What a weight lifted. Congrats.

And by the way...these people in our back yard better be nice or I know where to find your ass.